How to manage your virtual class?

How to manage your virtual class?

The main key to successful virtual classroom management is to adjust to new realities. Special video-conference software often offers various tools intended particularly for educational aims. Try to use some functions, as they will certainly facilitate your educational process. But is this enough? Why then do so many teachers face hardships when managing a virtual classroom?

Online education is something utterly new to most teachers, and thus, it is quite difficult to manage. There are plenty of ways to keep your students calm during the lesson at school, yet they do not always work when you run an online class. The COVID-19 has brought some significant changes to almost every sphere of our life, and now we all have to adjust to them and take the most advantage of all the situations.

Most teachers see online education as a serious drawback and threat to the knowledge of their students. Besides, sometimes it is really inconvenient. However, it may seem like a difficult thing to do; in fact, using technologies can be not only quite fun but also beneficial. Actually, it may even have more pros than cons. So, let’s find out everything you want to know about successful virtual education!

5 Common problems of virtual classrooms and how to solve them

Common problems of virtual classrooms

We decided to pick up five common problems teachers face in an online class and ways to solve them. Solving these concerns is the key to having a successful online lesson.

  1. Students are late for class. Being free from the necessity of getting up early to catch the bus is really relaxing. Therefore, a lot of students get out of their bed precisely 1 minute before the class and don’t hurry to connect in time. This is one of the main features of a virtual classroom.

In this case, you should be a little of a strict teacher and create a small punishment for the late students, like some additional questions. No one wants to answer a homework task, especially when they are not really ready, so to avoid the questionnaire, they will come in time.

  1. Students answer all at once. Another popular problem, as no one can see who is going to answer, is they try to speak altogether that violates the online working environment and bring chaos to your classroom. Therefore, you get a booth of many voices and can’t decipher a precise answer. There are two ways to avoid this issue:
  • Turn on a special function, which shows who wants to answer, and tell your students to push a certain button. Usually, it is called “hand up” and is available in many popular video-conference streaming software programs, for example, Zoom.
  • Call out for a particular student. Just name the one you want to answer.
  1. Students stay in bed during class. One more widespread challenge teachers encounter in their virtual classrooms is that students lazily lie in their beds during the class. This issue requires some mix of being strict and cunning. First of all, directly forbid your students to connect while they are in their beds. Secondly, build your lesson in the way, which will make lying in bed completely uncomfortable. For example, active use of an online whiteboard will lower the comfort of doing nothing in your online classroom. Thereby, your students will have no other options besides just simply getting up.
  1. Students appear at the lesson in their pajamas. Indeed, why should you dress up when you have nowhere to go? It seems like a waste of time and clean clothes. Students think the same way.

And though studies show that working from home in your pajamas does not lower your productivity, it can seriously affect your mental health. Thus, you should give your students an example, and don’t appear at the lesson unkempt in your sleeping pajamas. Also, forbid that to your students.

  1. Students turn off their cameras. The keystone issue of virtual classroom management is that you usually speak to a black screen. This is rightfully the most spread issue of remote education. Funny, though, as it is directly connected to the previous one.

Students don’t want to turn on their cameras, as they don’t want to show their home look. Also, it allows them to do whatever they want, as you don’t see them. But, you can make them want to be seen by you; the only thing you need is to establish some sort of confidential and relaxing relationship with your students. Thereby, they will be more relaxed at your virtual class.

3 Tips on how to improve your virtual classroom management

how to improve your virtual classroom management

As we said before, the key to running successful online classes is adjusting to a new reality. Online education has its cons, like low students’ engagement, for example, but at the same time, it allows you to try something new in your traditional educational methods. We picked up three points that are the most essential in creating a wonderful online lesson.

  1. Use special educational sites. There are a couple of sites, like Kahoot or Funbrain, that turn the educational process into a funny game. Of course, they won’t replace your lesson, but they can serve as good tools if you need to check up on the previous material. Also, such small games can serve as a small break from routine classwork and a dull online environment that usually irritates kids who like to be active.
  2. Show presentations. Your students need some visual accompaniment to your online lecture, so prepare a presentation that will briefly talk about the main points of your lesson. Use graphics, pictures, and videos to make it even more enjoyable. Moreover, if you want your students to pay attention to some precise points, you can highlight them in your presentation.
  3. Add more interaction with your students. Most students are usually getting bored when they have to just listen to the lecture. Therefore, you can use an online whiteboard and let your student write their answers there. Some activities will certainly engage them with your lesson more. Don’t think that games are a total waste of time. They will help your students to relax a bit and gain more energy.

Anyway, online learning has its disadvantages that we have never encountered before. Yet, fortunately, you can easily solve a lot of its issues and run a fun virtual classroom.


  • How do you maintain discipline and a working environment in a virtual classroom?

First of all, you should set the rules in advance to show your students that online lessons are no different from offline ones. Secondly, remind your students that you will lower marks for low discipline even in online classes.

  • How do you make a virtual classroom effective?

The key to having an effective lesson is a precise plan of information you need to give to your students. Also, try to avoid anything distracting from the main points of the lecture. And don’t waste too much time on checking some easy home assignments your students simply didn’t do.

  • What are the advantages of a virtual classroom?

Well, it definitely saves time you usually waste on morning gathering and riding to your school/university. Moreover, you have easy access to all the needed documents and plans. And also, it is much more relaxing, though this point is rather controversial.

  • What are the challenges of online classroom management?

The main issues are discipline and low students’ engagement. Besides, there is a high chance of some technical problems, like bad internet connection or bad image. Sometimes, it is tough to connect to some programs, as they have complicated connection requirements, like safe codes, etc.