Importance of schools portals and their impact on students and schools

Importance of schools portals and their impact on students and schools

What is a student portal? A student portal is an online gateway where students can log into a school website to access important program information.

While discussing the cons of the school management system, we can't highlight anything tangible, which may negatively affect educational structures. The main problem of implementing online school software in every educational institution is a lack of special equipment in poorer countries and an old-fashioned format of learning. Without any doubt, it works, but is it effective enough?

Getting closer to the importance of online school software, all of us know that under the pandemic of Covid-19, the traditional type of schooling changed in favor of the more accessible and safer alternative. Without any doubt, it lets students be online and updated 24/7, and 7/7 being limited only by internet connection; that is why online school software deserves your attention.

More about the impact of school portals you can find out by reading the scientific article about THE IMPACT OF ONLINE LEARNING AND TECHNOLOGY ON STUDENT PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, AND SOCIAL HEALTH.

Benefits of school information system

Benefits of school information system
  • One Place for Everything. Online school software offers features like a student management system that allows storing information in one place. The platform can also be used to store information related to management, staff, and other things. Users can easily access information online from the comfort of their homes.
  • Accessible everywhere and any time. Getting to the vital student management system features, we want to highlight its accessibility. Students can easily access the information they need online. Since the COVID pandemic happened, students across the world are now suffering from loss of study. But the school information system comes with features like online classes to continue with their studies. And, they can do this from the comfort and safety of their homes.
  • Never miss a deadline. Students can quickly get notified of their tests and exams when you have an effective management system like School ERP. This way, they will always be prepared and never miss the tests. Likewise, they can keep track of their course work and assignments and when they are due. All these things are possible via one platform. Schools don’t have to store information in ten different places. They can safely keep them in one place.
  • Effortless communication. Maintaining healthy communication with the stakeholders of the institution is crucial. A school information system can make it happen. There is closer interaction between student-staff, teachers, and parents for a healthy teaching/learning community. All sorts of communication are dished out instantly with integrated messaging and notification tools via emails and messaging. Such an effective system builds transparency that leads to overall institutional effectiveness.
  • Connected devices. Student portals make clients’ lives easier by making information available to them on a variety of devices. This keeps them connected wherever they are. There is no need to stick to traditional working hours. In many cases, this flexibility is not a nice-to-have but a must-have.
  • Security. Cloud-based client portals utilize top-notch security systems to make sure your company’s information is safe. Technologies such as firewalls, end-to-end encryption, and malware and virus protection are all modern tools that fit well with cloud services.


  • What does the school information system provide?

Daily attendance, timetable management, manage academic records, fees management, student assessments - all these controlled by academic staff and teachers with the help of online school software.

  • What does a fee system implemented in a school information system look like?

The main goal of the school software is flexible and customized settings, which allows you to configure fee structures to meet your needs.

  • What are the practical tools of effective educational management?
  1. School bus tracking software.
  2. Attendance tracking software.
  3. Timetable management software.
  4. School Work Force Management System.
  5. Smart Card Solutions.
  • What does student information contain?

This may include the student's name, address, date, and place of birth, phone number, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. Under FERPA, school systems have flexibility in deciding what information will be considered directory information.

  • Why do we need a school information system?A school information system helps the admissions department track prospective students during the application and enrollment process. The online school software also updates the profiles of qualified students with changes as they happen.