Preschool Management App

Preschool Management App

Proper digital assistance can sufficiently facilitate the everyday work teachers did in the past: attendance checkouts, explanation letters, and loads of other paperwork. Indeed, all those reports are crucial for proper childcare management, but they don’t necessarily have to be that hard. Recently, digital technologies have proved that they can serve not only as assistive tools but be irreplaceable. Distant learning is a full alibi for that, as nearly 80% of pupils experienced remote education.

There is a vast choice of such apps that it is easy to get confused on which one you should choose. What features must your app offer? And do features of preschool management apps differ from the senior school’s ones? Quite a lot of questions pop up in your head when you face this decision. To facilitate your speculations on this matter, we have decided to bring on all the necessary features a basic preschool management app should possess.

The benefits of such management apps are recognized not only by schools, yet by the parents themselves. Not surprising, as these apps have multiple tools and services helpful for school management, parents, and children. Quite beneficial tools!

5 Basic Must-Have Features of Childcare App

5 Basic Must-Have Features of Childcare App

So, what services should a good preschool management app offer? You can use our School Management system app to see. Here we will consider five essential features of such apps and regard their advantages for all participants of the educational process.

  1. Learning achievements tracker. First, this feature will provide good parent communication with preschool management. In what way? Well, usually, these apps offer multimedia reports as well as text ones, so the parents will be able to see visually what is happening at school now. Moreover, they have an opportunity to track the lesson online. Apart from tracking features, it offers a child’s portfolio to put all the work and see the progress literally, not only by grades.
  2. General statistics. Of course, no school can function without some boring paperwork, which often lies on the teacher’s shoulders. Indeed, this work is as essential as teaching as it helps to manage the educational process, thus planning the lessons. Besides, management is impossible to imagine without proper statistics on attendance rating, for instance. Moreover, it gives parents the analytics not only on their children but teaching staff and school generally. Such features are also important for maintaining a proper level of communication between parents and preschool management.
  3. Payment facilities. One of the most essential of all apps’ features is giving the possibility to ease the payment process. First, this releases teachers and school accountants of written reports and calculations. Because all the necessary information on the transactions and debts is put on the database. Secondly, it is quite beneficial to parents as they can quickly get the information on what payment or fees they made or have to make. These services sufficiently lower the chance to make mistakes. Thirdly, the payment process is easy: you should simply connect your credit card to the app, and the necessary fees can be charged automatically.
  4. Everyday report. This feature is considerably important for teacher-parent communication and provides a higher level of management. The teacher can inform parents on some minor everyday occasions and accidents that happened to their child!
  5. School events calendar. Seems more like an additional service, yet quite beneficial if a parent wants to participate more in their child’s life. There, you get a simple report on all the upcoming events.

Types of Childcare Apps

Types of Childcare Apps

Little childcare management apps can include all the necessary features plus several additional ones, like security or health tracking. Therefore, usually, brands offer several apps and each of them has a certain function and is focused on something particular. That’s why preschool management differs from security one. Here are they:

Security apps. Of course, these apps give parents reports on where, when their child is. Most of them provide the possibility of photo/video verification. Quite a few parents are concerned about the level of security at the schools and the importance of a properly working secure school management system. Such systems must only provide security reports in real life but also offer digital security. Thus, your childrens’ info will be safe.

Health control apps. This kind of apps has much to offer in terms of medical checkouts and reports. Indeed, what kind of childcare management is possible without a proper report on their medical condition? None, that’s why the popularity of such services and tools is no less than the popularity of security programs for schools. These apps also give reports on how many and what meals the child had in preschool, etc.

Learning tracking. These apps are fully dedicated to tracking the learning progress of your child. They show not only the kid’s achievements, but also allow them to make certain notes and marks that can add more clarity to the child’s educational results.

Generally, these are the additional features every common preschool management app can offer. But, of course, only specialized apps can provide you with 100% effectiveness in these spheres.

All in all, it was the list of all the essential services and functions a basic childcare management app can offer to you. Using assistive technologies will facilitate and even improve the educational experience for children and teaching staff.


  • What is the role of a childcare manager?

A childcare manager must ensure that the proper level of education and other conditions are given to the child.

  • What is the preschool age range?

A preschool child is a child of the age from 3 to 4. Basically, that is the child who is too young to go to school.

  • Why is preschool classroom management important?

It helps to improve the discipline and planning of the lessons, and thus give quality education.

  • How effective are LittleLives apps?

Our apps can definitely guarantee a high level of effectiveness, as they offer a simple interface and consider many features of childcare, like health or learning control.